Caska, Island of Pag - Croatia

Caska is a small place situated in a cove on the Island of Pag. This is the name for the broader area that is bounded on one side by the Zrce beach and by the other side with the villages Zubovici, Kustici and Metajna which are collectively called Barbati. Caska is situated 2.5 km far from Novalja.
Caska on the Island of Pag is famous for the fact that it is connected to the legend of the sunken city. According to historians, it is a Roman city that sank in the 4th century due to an earthquake. However, there is a presumption that Caska was abandoned for unknown reasons and it was during the centuries covered by the sea. Different opinions are about the size of Caska. According to some assumptions, this was a city of up to 5 000 inhabitants, while there are historians who claim that about 30 000 people lived in Caska. The current archaeological studies have not illuminated the mystery of Caska.
Beach Caska

The Caska beach is one of the most beautiful beaches on the Island of Pag. Caska is a sandy-pebble beach and as such is very suitable for children playing and swimming.
The beach has a good offer of catering and recreational facilities. The extension of the Caska beach is the well known Zrće beach which offers 24 hours of a variety of recreational activities and night life entertainment.

Island of Pag Croatia

The island of Pag is one of the biggest Adriatic islands: it is the fifth largest island with 284.50 square kilometres. Its 270 kilometres of the indented coastline make it the island with the longest coastline on the Adriatic, rich with coves, bays, beaches and capes. The biggest bay, the bay of Pag, is rounded by 20 km of the gravel beaches.
Pag is unique due to its vegetation where trees are the most rare form. Therefore, Pag is the largest kingdom of rocky ground on the Adriatic, where thin grass, low aromatic herb cover, sage and immortelle grow. They make the foundation of the nourishment of the island’s sheep on the rocky ground, intersected by long dry stonewalls, giving a special flavour to the well known cheese of Pag.


Novalja is a tourist center of Island of Pag. Well known resort town and destination of many tourist, offers possibilities of active and meaningful vacation.
Natural beauty of Novalja is mostly in its pronounced beautiful beaches: Zrce, Strasko, Caska, Babe, Trincel, Branicevica & Vrtic. Among then, Zrce stands out as one of the bigest and best beaches on the Adriatic cost.